It's time to take care of yourself
Effective practice management was challenging
Focus on people, not paperwork!
For unlimited access to all of the tools in MHPOffice, it is only $25 per clinician per month.
All accounts start as a free trial. *
To help keep your costs low, we don't charge for assistants to access the system.
This is just another way that we help keep your practice running smoothly.
In addition to free email reminders, you can send reminders via text message for only $.02 per reminder.
Process your client's credit cards for no additional monthly fee.
We partner with Braintree Payments, a leader in credit card processing. We charge only 0.5% for handling your transactions.
We want you to have the best EHR/EMR for your practice.
Create an account with MHPOffice, and enjoy 30 days of service before we even ask for your credit card.
Ready. Set. Done.
Automatic hourly backups to multiple locations, preventing data loss. Rest easy knowing you’re in good hands.
* If you want to skip the trial, please open a support ticket so you can begin using MHPOffice with paid service immediately